"I immediately felt relieved to skip all of the cultural explanations about how Japanese society models intimacy, vulnerability, confidence, etc. This aspect of working with Reina is priceless, I feel incredibly understood and seen. I believe that I was guided to Reina by my ancestors to dive into my cultural identity issues, decolonization, and to help heal my family's generational traumas. I am so thankful that Reina and I can talk about concrete things as well as metaphysical and ethereal, I had never even considered that I'd be able to find a therapist like this and I'm so so grateful.
I noticed a change after my first session with Reina because she immediately understood that I, myself, am somewhat of a juxtaposition because I hold two very different cultures within me. I feel like most people cannot flip back and forth between cultures without judgment but Reina lives in this space, just as I do. After every session I feel relieved, empowered, honest, and like it was the best session yet (not sure how that's possible but it's true)."
Steph Ermel, Ermel's Consulting
I noticed major changes by the 3rd session. There was a tipping point when I somatically understood my body's response to vulnerability. Reina's guided prompts and affirmative presence helped me learn to give compassion to myself and to recognize what that FELT like. My major fears were minimized greatly after the first month and each week after helped me process the residual layers. The biggest evidence of my healing is in the ease I feel in my good times. I no longer fear "the other shoe dropping" and feel secure and present in my happiest moments. Her receptive and compassionate quality has been a gamechanger to my internal processing of self and life.
Angelina Esparza, Intuitive Counselor
I signed up for Reina's coaching because I needed help dealing with my mom, who can be a bit too much. Despite wanting to respect and appreciate her, her version of "care" often pushed my buttons. After 3 months with Reina, I began to feel the shift in my relationship with her. Interacting with my mom isn't the uphill battle it used to be. By the time I completed my 6-month journey, I had gained an experiential understanding of maintaining a healthy distance with my mom without being disrespectful. Furthermore, I found myself able to wholeheartedly focus on my career goals, becoming significantly more productive, and beginning to feel joy in being myself. Huge shoutout to Reina for giving me this newfound freedom!
S. K., Body-Centered Therapist